Berberine hydrochloride tablet is the generic name, and its drug name is Berberine hydrochloride tablet. It is mainly used in the treatment of intestinal infection and dysentery. The antibacterial spectrum of the drug is relatively wide, and it can inhibit many kinds of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Moreover, this product has no cross-resistance to penicillin, streptomycin, etc. The specific method of administration is oral, 0.1 to 0.3 grams, three times a day. Clinical use should be noted, because this product is easy to cause hemolytic anemia and jaundice, so children with hereditary 6-phosphate glucose dehydrogenase deficiency should be prohibited.
The obvious effect of berberine hydrochloride is to inhibit the action of bacteria, in general, against pathogenic microorganisms, especially bacteria and Bacillus dysenteriae. Tuberculosis bacillus including pneumococcus, typhoid bacillus, berberine hydrochloride have a certain inhibitory effect.
Berberine hydrochloride is a kind of alkaloid and is also a very common Chinese medicine. Among them, the effect on Bacillus dysenteriae is the strongest. Therefore, the main clinical use of this drug to treat bacterial gastroenteritis and bacterial dysentery these digestive diseases. The side effects of treating bacillary dysentery and gastroenteritis are relatively small.